Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name......

I'd like to explain my profile pic. It's actually a pic of my grandaughter Katharine. She is now 3 years old, but that pic was taken at about 18 months or so. It is very special. My mom, Audra, Katharine and I took a trip to the cemetary where all my dad's relatives are buried and we showed Audra around. We showed her my paternal grandparents graves. There is always something so humbling that comes over me when I go to the cemetary. It's my family. I don't want to leave them. I want to be with them. I want to know more about them. They had hopes and dreams and thoughts and prayers. What were they? I wish I knew.

One thing I do have is a rose bush. My great-grandmother planted it after my grandmother's baby sister died. We don't know how she died. It seems so sad. But the rose bush is still growing strong 100+ years later. That day we were there, Audra picked a rose and placed it behind Katharine's ear. It looked so beautiful. I snapped a picture of her. This is my inspiration for a 12" square I'm designing called Katharine's Rose. It's almost in the testing stage.  I can't wait to share it with everyone.

Hope you have a great weekend! Happy Hooking!

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