Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chain Reaction # 5

Time for another puzzle everyone. Let's have some fun around here! No more talk of gloom and doom! Frowns are not allowed - only smiles and laughter and crochet hooks! While I'm working on the Kitties, you go ahead and puzzle over this one. :)

                          CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE.

Have fun and Happy Hooking!


  1. Hi! I saw a link to your blog on Molly's blog, so I thought I'd pop over for a visit. If I know the answers to your chain reaction, should I post them here? Hope I won't spoil it but here goes:
    Must admit that if you hadn't given the "door" clue then I would have been lost.
    Thanks for the fun.

  2. I will post the correct answers next week. You have a couple of them wrong! Try again on shine and floor. :)
